Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Key to Success

Theologian Henri Nouwen once said, "We cannot make it rain, but we can see to it that the rain falls on prepared soil."

To be honest, this is as far as our contribution to success goes. Our job is to get the soil ready for the rain of God's blessings. The rest is up to him.

Paul said to Timothy, "If you keep yourself pure, you will be a utensil God can use for his purpose. Your life will be clean, and you will be ready for the Master to use you for every good work." 2 Timothy 2:21(NLT)

“Become the kind of container God can use to present any and every kind of gift to his guests for their blessing.” 2 Timothy 2:21 (MSG)

There are many things in life I cannot control. Final outcomes are seldom in my control, but my preparation (or lack thereof) is controlled by me. My preparation, my diligence, my investment of time, my training, and my discipline are completely controlled by me. I am preaching to me and hoping you get the message as well so we can both be helped.

No athlete in any sports discipline can guarantee the outcome of a game because he is only one member of the team. What he can guarantee is how well prepared he is mentally and physically to do his part in winning the game. He can control his attitude about the opposing team (whether he sees them as a worthy opponent that can be beaten or a giant impossible to topple) and his fellow team members. His attitude toward his team members will do much to push them to the next level by way of encouragement and positive attitude helping them believe they can win.

But the real issue is me. “Become the kind of container God can use...” Somehow if I can do that then others issues seem to fall into place. Someone said, “I you want to be a better leader become a better person.” If I want to be a better pastor then I must become a better person. If you want to be a better manager then become a better person. If you want to be a better doctor, lawyer, or candlestick maker just become a better person. From a pastor’s perspective I heard someone say, “Don’t focus on building a ‘bigger church’ but focus on building ‘bigger people.’”

It comes down to (or up to) the fact that the only thing I control in life are my actions, my commitment, my discipline, my attitude, my preparation, my heart, etc. All that determines if I will be one that can be used by the One that controls everything else. Somehow it seems senseless for God to give us what we are not prepared for. He is not a senseless God.

Ladies and gentlemen lets prepare well.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, today I want to be what You need, what You look for to use. I ask for Your help and encouragement to become the person that you can use to accomplish your purpose. I want to be your “go to” person, the one You know you can depend on. But I know I must conquer myself to be that, and I cannot conquer myself alone. For that You are my “go to” because only You can help me become what You can use. Thank you for this day and what it will bring. Use me. AMEN.

Pastor Roger

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