Friday, March 2, 2007

Transformation through Tribulation

“Lincoln wrote the greatest speech ever delivered in the English language, on the back of an envelope, a few moments before it was delivered, yet the thought back of that speech was borne of hardship and struggle.

“All down the road of life you will meet with obstacles, many of them. Failure will overtake you time after time, but remember that it is a part of Nature’’s method to place obstacles and failure in your way.

“Every time you master failure you become stronger and better prepared to meet the next one. The moments of trial will come to you as they come to all at one time or another. Doubt and lack of faith in yourself will cast their dark shadows over you, but remember that the manner in which you react under these trying negatives will indicate whether you are developing power or slipping backward.

“And this, too, will soon pass away.” Nothing is permanent, therefore why permit disappointment, resentment, or a keen sense of injustice to undermine your composure, because they will soon eliminate themselves.

“Look back over your past and you will see that those experiences of yesterday which bore heavily on your heart at the time, and seemed to end all hope of success, passed away and left you wiser than you were before.

“The whole universe is in a constant state of flux. You are in a constant state of change. Evolution is removing the wounds left in your heart by disappointment. You need not go down under any difficulty if you but bear in mind that ‘this, too, will soon pass away.’

“I looked back at my heavy load of grief and worry which crowded the happiness out of
my heart only yesterday, and lo! they had been transformed into stepping stones of
experience over which I had climbed higher and higher.”

Source: Napoleon Hill’’s Magazine. September, 1921. Volume 1, number 5, page 9.

In Genesis, in the Bible, there is an intriguing story of a man named Jacob. He was at a moment in his life when everything he had ever faced was suddenly coming down upon him. He was about to face an angry brother that might well want to kill him. At this moment he cries out to God for help. In his praying the Bible says that he literally wrestled with “a man.” Some believe it to be an angel, some believe it was the pre-incarnate presence of Jesus. Nevertheless, Jacob knew this was a supernatural moment and he refused to give up. Read what the Bible says in Genesis 32:24-28 (NIV),

“So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob's hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. Then the man said, ‘Let me go, for it is daybreak.’

“But Jacob replied, ‘I will not let you go unless you bless me.’

“The man asked him, ‘What is your name?’

“‘Jacob,’ he answered.

“Then the man said, ‘Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with men and have overcome.’"

The real significance of this struggle can be missed here if we are not careful. This was more than a name change. It represented a transformation of a life. “Jacob” means deceiver or supplanter. “Israel” means literally “a prince with God.” Jacob had been a deceiver in his life, but he had come to the end of himself till now all the struggles, all the pain, all the disappointments had evolved in his life to this moment that he becomes “a prince with God.”

All of this to say that God wants to take the whole of your life... your failures and successes, your pain and problems, your disasters and disappointments, whatever you have experienced in life and use it to transform your life and character into something great and powerful. Don’t give up. Don’t let go. The key to Jacob’s victory was that he “struggled and prevailed.” Too many just struggle and give up too soon. Prevail!

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I do not ask to be delivered from my challenge. I only ask for the strength and courage to struggle and prevail. That is my prayer today. AMEN

Thursday, March 1, 2007

What's Your Spin?

In our world today we use the word “spin” when we talk about the news and how a particular person, network, newspaper, or reporter presents a new item. Seldom does anyone just report the news as a true journalist, but they must spin it to fit their personal bias or philosophy. Because each of us has a personal value set it is difficult if not impossible to hide that in whatever we do. I am not sure if the following story is true or not, but it does illustrate my point.

An amateur genealogical researcher discovered that his great-great uncle, Remus Starr, a fellow lacking in character, was hanged for horse stealing and train robbery in Montana in 1889. The only known photograph of Remus shows him standing on the gallows. On the back of the picture is this inscription:

"Remus Starr; horse thief; sent to Montana Territorial Prison 1885, escaped 1887; robbed the Montana Flyer six times. Caught by Pinkerton detectives. Convicted and hanged 1889."

In a Family History subsequently written by the researcher, Remus's picture is cropped so that all that's seen is a head shot. The accompanying biographical sketch is as follows:

"Remus Starr was a famous cowboy in the Montana Territory. His business empire grew to include the acquisition of valuable equestrian assets and intimate dealings with the Montana railroad. Beginning in 1885, he devoted several years of his life to service at a government facility, finally taking leave to resume his dealings with the railroad. In 1887, he was a key player in a vital investigation run by the renowned Pinkerton Detective Agency. In 1889, Remus passed away during an important civic function held in his honor when the platform upon which he was standing collapsed."

We do this with the Bible if we are not careful. We do have to take the Scripture and apply it to our world and our culture. But the message is the same, the laws and principles of life are still the same for us here and now as it was to them then and there. We like to take the fun, positive, enjoyable parts of the Bible and ignore others or try to explain them away. For example, Romans 6:23 tell us “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (NIV) We have no difficulty talking about eternal life, heaven, mansions, streets of gold, etc., but seldom do we address the fact (and it is a fact) that there is eternal punishment for those who do not accept this “gift of God” but live in sin and selfishness to end of their lives. Heaven is a real place, and Hell is a real place. Revelation 20:15 says, “If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” (NIV) Revelation 21 gives a beautiful description of heaven and then, a graphic description of hell. Both are God’s word and equally true.

The promises of God’s word are true (when they were written and today). He has not changed. I often hear people say, “That was for them. That doesn’t apply to us today.” How confusing is that! Who determines what God meant for them only and what did He desire for all of us through all generations. My God does not cause confusion. On the contrary He makes everything so simple a child can understand it. He declared in Isaiah 53, “By his stripes we are healed.” That is a promise still valid for us today. God did not put a time line on the promise. Neither did He it to “spiritual” healing. In fact, Peter quoted that Scripture in 1 Peter 2:24 “He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.” (NIV) Peter considered it a work that was done then when Jesus suffered and died for us.

My point today is, Don’t try to “spin” the Scripture. Just read it, believe it, and apply it to your life. His promises, His word, His principles, all of them, are still true today. 2 Corinthians 1:20 “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken BY US to the glory of God. (Emphasis mine) (NIV) God is simply saying that His position on the promises made has not changed. The only missing ingredient is our “Amen” of agreement and submission to Him. Put your “AMEN” to his Word today and live it, experience it!

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I reaffirm my faith in Your Word today. I believe as I used to sing as a child, “Every promise in the book is mine, Every chapter, every verse, every line...” Help me to live my life by Your Word and in Your Word. AMEN.

Pastor Roger

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

On the Auction Block

I read the following this morning. It’s from Josh Hinds a motivational speaker and life coach. It challenged me and I wanted to share it with you.

“Keep A Positive Attitude and Contagious Enthusiasm”

“Why and how can a positive attitude directly affect your success? Your mood effects your beliefs, which in turn reflects onto your personal and business life and then onto your customers. If you are in a negative mood, it will sweep through your business like a wild fire.

“Staying positive and enthusiastic is essential to the shameless self-promoter. A positive attitude along with
contagious enthusiasm will support your groundwork to effectively self promote.

“Even if you think of yourself as a marketing zero, you can make a good start towards becoming a marketing hero if you have a positive state of mind and contagious enthusiasm.

“Although you know that enthusiasm is contagious, it is also contagious to reflect on negative energy. In fact, it is even easier for us to pick up negative vibes and reflect them internally in our daily lives.

“Watch out for negative energy and stay away from negative forces in your life. Being positive will promote your self-esteem, self-belief and help you avoid depression.”

Zig Ziglar, who probably needs no introduction to you says, “I am so optimistic that I’d go after Moby Dick in a row boat and take tartar sauce.” This is all about attitude. As you have heard me say many times (as well as others), “No one gives you an attitude. You can’t blame your current state of mind or attitude on anyone or any circumstance. You choose your attitude whatever it is.”

It’s true, you can be positive in the most negative circumstances of life. It’s what you choose to see and believe.

Now, now! Some of you are saying, “Where’s the Word? Where’s the Word, pastor?”

Well, let’s talk about our worth. What you feel about yourself and your worth is what determines your attitude about everything else in life. What is self-worth? It is the belief that your life has value and significance. The Greek word for worth is “axios” which means “of weight and worth.” In Biblical times, gold and other precious metals were placed on a balancing scale where their weight determined its worth.

I enjoy going to an auction. Not necessarily for the bargains (I’ve found my share of them, though), but just for the event. Some days stuff goes really cheap. Other days things go for amazing prices. It is all determined by the value the buyer places on the merchandise. It’s really true with anything in life. A car, a house, land, etc. We can appraise them all, but the truth is they are all worth what someone is willing pay for them.

“How is my worth, your worth determined? At an auction, what determines the worth of an item? Its worth is determined by the highest price paid. The auctioneer sells each item to the highest bidder. The highest price paid for your life was paid by Jesus, and the One willing to pay the highest price established your worth. Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price for you—willingly dying on the cross—paying the penalty for your sins. He loved you that much!

“Your true worth is not based on anything you have done or will do. Without a doubt, Christ already established your worth . . . you were worth dying for. (from Hope For The Heart Biblical Counseling Keys © 2005 by Hope For The Heart. All rights reserved.)

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 (NIV)

We all went for a really high price! We must be worth a lot! Pick up your head. Stand tall and straight. Walk and speak with confidence. Be positive and enthusiastic. A very high price was paid for your freedom and your life today. Act like that person that God sees when He looks at you.

Here is what He sees...”Through what Christ would do for us, God decided to make us holy in His eyes, without a single fault – we stand before Him covered with His love.” Eph. 1:4 (LB)

Prayer: Lord Jesus, forgive me for thinking negatively about life and about my life. Forgive me for demeaning what You love and value so highly. Help me by Your Holy Spirit to see what You see and think like You think. Help me change the atmosphere of my home, my office, my school... my life by changing my outlook, my attitude. Thank You for loving me so much and valuing me so highly. AMEN.

Pastor Roger

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

More on Seedtime and Harvest

“The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor.” 1 Corinthians 3:8 (NIV)

I wrote yesterday’s devotional then picked up my devotional that I am reading by Max Lucado. I am a few days behind but this morning I read:

“Think for a moment of your heart as a greenhouse...And your heart, like a greenhouse can be managed.

“Consider for a moment your thoughts as seed. Some thoughts become flowers. Others become weeds. Sow seed of hope and enjoy optimism. Sow seeds of doubt and expect insecurity...

“The proof is everywhere you look. Ever wonder why some people have the Teflon capacity to resist negativism and remain patient, optimistic, and forgiving? Could it be that they have diligently sown seeds of goodness and are enjoying the harvest?

“Ever wonder why others have such a sour outlook? Such a gloomy attitude? You would, too, if your heart were a greenhouse of weeds and thorns.” —by Max Lucado in “Just Like Jesus”

Sounds like God is trying to get a point across, at least to me, and perhaps to some of you as well.

Everything in life is a seed. The law of the harvest is an immutable law. Folks, it’s not going away. We really do choose the seed that we plant. God doesn’t force any of them on us. However, we do not make the choice to sow seed. Everybody sows seed in life. We just get to choose WHAT seed we sow.

It makes me want to stop and think before I speak or act instead of just recklessly scattering seed without thought. I do believe in the powerful grace of God, though. I can ask God to help me to change my attitude and begin to sow good seed. He can even in His sovereignty not allow some of the bad seed to grow when He sees the good seed we begin to sow. One thing is totally in our control. You cannot expect to harvest what you don’t plant. You can pray all you want, but if you do not sow the seed the harvest will never come. God placed this law in the universe and even He is bound to it. It’s why He sowed the life of His Son so that we may have eternal life. Which reminds us that we do not sow for this life only, but for the life to come as well.

“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.” 2 Corinthians 5:10 (NIV)

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for the law of the harvest. Father, thank You for planting the most important and powerful seed of all, Your son, Jesus. Thank you for salvation, for eternal life, and for an abundant life now in this temporal state in which we live. Help me today as I sow seed from my life that will not just bless me but others as well. AMEN.

Pastor Roger

Monday, February 26, 2007

Seedtime and Harvest

“Don't be misled: No one makes a fool of God. What a person plants, he will harvest.” Galatians 6:7 (MSG)

There are laws in the universe that God has put into place! These are immutable laws. These laws cannot and will not change. They have not only stood the test of time, they have been in existence since the beginning of time. As surely as there is day and night and as surely as there is good and evil, there is seedtime and harvest. Always has been... always will be. It is the nature of things. God set the law in motion and it will never stop or go away.

Without seedtime and harvest there would be no procreation. There would be no crops. There would be no food. Seedtime and harvest are the most basic fundamentals of perpetuating life on planet Earth as we now know it! I am amazed at how many people are not aware of this law and it's incredible power. So, let's examine this concept and discover how it affects our lives, our families, and our business.

Here are some truths about sowing and reaping that will never change.

1. You will always harvest what you sow.

You don’t have to ask a man what he has been sowing. Just look at what his life is producing. That reveals the seed he has been planting. When you plant apple seed you get an apple tree that produce apples. When you plant corn you always get corn in return. When you plant tomatoes you always get tomatoes. You just cannot plant tomato seed and expect to get cantelopes, or apple seed and expect potatoes from them. Life has never worked that way and never will.

Most of us accept these without question. Why then can’t we realize that when we sow discord we will reap discord in our life? People who sow strife, reap strife. People who sow joy, reap joy! What you plant into other peoples lives will someday, somehow be harvested in your own life. You are what you are today because of seeds you've sown in the past. You have what you have today, because of seeds you've sown in the past. Today is the harvest of seeds planted yesterday or last week or maybe even a month or a year or longer! You reap what you sow!

What are you planting into your children? Are you planting time? What about faith? How about integrity? Do you somehow justify a "little white lie" they heard you tell (maybe they were just one year from getting the children’s menu or the kid’s rate a Six Flags). You will harvest in the form of lies from their mouths in the future. If you want champions for children then you need to be planting the seeds of greatness. Plant love! Reap love! Plant big dreams and you'll reap a President or a missionary, or a great leader!

What are you planting into your wife... or your husband? Kindness... forgiveness... gentleness? Their hearts are fields that you plant into daily. What are you reaping? The law of the harvest says that what you sow, you will reap? We should stop and think every time we open our mouth to speak to our spouse. Will this edify or build them up, or will it tear them down? You see, there are no useless, lifeless words. They either bless or curse. They either build or destroy! Some one noted that we have two ears... and one tongue. Maybe we should listen twice as much as we speak. What is your harvest in your family? Maybe it's time to examine your crops ... then examine your seeds.

2. You will always harvest more than you sow.

We don’t harvest one for one. Seeds multiply. God is not into addition, He multiplies. One apple seed produces a tree that produces hundreds of apples that each have the potential of producing a dozen or more trees that will produce hundreds of apples, and on and on the process goes. One grain of corn produces a stalk that produces many ears of corn each with hundreds of grains on them that have reproducing power.

While we do harvest MORE than we plant the rate of return is affected by the generosity with which we plant. “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” 2 Corinthians 9:6 (NIV)

So, we should expect to get back what we sow and much more than we sow.

3. The harvest always comes later, much later than you sow.

We need to learn patience. Some seed germinates and produces in weeks or months, but some takes years. The truth is that every seed produces in its time.

So, go today and make your life a seed. It really is whether you consciously make that decision or not. Every word, every deed, every action, every thought, every gift.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help to make my life today and everyday a strategic seed planted for Your glory and to bless others. Thank You in advance for the harvest. AMEN.

Pastor Roger