Thursday, March 15, 2007

Giving and Forgiving

The following was in my inbox from Zig Ziglar...

“Truly successful people in life are givers and forgivers.”

“Ten days before Christmas the 200 Puerto Rican families in this particular parish gathered to each place $5 in the "pot," which was about a day's pay for a fruit picker. . . . Each family would write its name on a slip of paper. Then they would blindfold someone to draw the name of the family that would get to go home for Christmas--two glorious weeks on the island, and enough money to buy Christmas presents for everyone.

“Employee Phillip Kelly explains, "I went to the drawing that year, my first Christmas with the community, but it was going to be Wally Jansen's last. Wally was retiring after working 40 years with the company, and for the last 25 he had been the canning factory foreman."

“By 3 o'clock. . .the announcer called the committee onstage to witness the drawing. Then they called Phillip up to draw the name of the lucky family. He was blindfolded and led to the drum that included the names of the families. ‘I reached in, sorted out a handful, and finally settled on one,’ says Phillip. "I opened the slip of paper and read the name Wally Jansen. The cheers were deafening. Everyone surrounded him, hugging him, crying, congratulating him, wishing him a Merry Christmas and a joyous trip.’ During the commotion, Phillip casually reached back into the drum and drew out a handful of slips and opened a couple. ‘Each one, in different writing, carried the same name--Wally Jansen,’ he explained.

“I imagine that the Wally Jansen family was thrilled beyond words. But I believe the joy that each person felt, thinking that maybe he or she had written the name "Wally Jansen," which was drawn, was greater still. Think about that. Become a giver, and you will be happier on your trip to the top.”

Thank you Zig for a challenging word? Now, for a Word from the master teacher, Jesus.

“You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35 (NLT)

The word “blessed” in this Scripture is from the Greek word “makarios.” It is translated “blessed” in almost every instance in the New Testament. In a few other cases it is translated “happy.” It is the same word Jesus used in the Sermon on the Mount when He gave what we call The Beatitudes. We usually just stop with saying it means “happy” or “blessed.” Strongs concordance goes a little further explaining its meaning... “makarios (mak-ar'-ee-os); a prolonged form of the poetical makar meaning supremely blest; by extension, fortunate, well off.”

Then Mr. Ziglar speaks on the authority of the Bible that “truly successful people (supremely blessed, fortunate, well off) are givers and forgivers.” You see “giving” is sharing our substance in life or giving up our rights and privileges for the sake of others. “Forgiving” is giving up my right to feel angry, hurt, or offended and extending grace to the offender. To give is to bless. To forgive is to release.

How do you know if you NEED to forgive someone? If, when you think about them, the first thoughts you have are negative thoughts or angry thoughts or memories of how they wronged you or hurt you then you probably haven’t really forgiven them. How do you know you HAVE forgiven? You think about those things less and less. To forgive and totally forget is only possible for God. The human mind cannot totally forget, but we can choose not to dwell on it. When the thoughts do come we make the choice to replace them. When true forgiveness has taken place that becomes easier and easier.

Ask yourself with me, “How can I be a giver today? Who do I need to forgive today?” That’s a giant step toward success in life. Now, you can go do the other things like hard work, be creative and innovative, take calculated risks, dream big, etc. But if you do all these and do not become a giver and forgiver you will never achieve true success.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, show me how you want me to be a giver and a forgiver today. I want true success in life not the superficial success that just things brings, but the true success that living to give and forgive brings. Thank you, Jesus, for being the greatest giver of all. AMEN.

Pastor Roger

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