Wednesday, February 28, 2007

On the Auction Block

I read the following this morning. It’s from Josh Hinds a motivational speaker and life coach. It challenged me and I wanted to share it with you.

“Keep A Positive Attitude and Contagious Enthusiasm”

“Why and how can a positive attitude directly affect your success? Your mood effects your beliefs, which in turn reflects onto your personal and business life and then onto your customers. If you are in a negative mood, it will sweep through your business like a wild fire.

“Staying positive and enthusiastic is essential to the shameless self-promoter. A positive attitude along with
contagious enthusiasm will support your groundwork to effectively self promote.

“Even if you think of yourself as a marketing zero, you can make a good start towards becoming a marketing hero if you have a positive state of mind and contagious enthusiasm.

“Although you know that enthusiasm is contagious, it is also contagious to reflect on negative energy. In fact, it is even easier for us to pick up negative vibes and reflect them internally in our daily lives.

“Watch out for negative energy and stay away from negative forces in your life. Being positive will promote your self-esteem, self-belief and help you avoid depression.”

Zig Ziglar, who probably needs no introduction to you says, “I am so optimistic that I’d go after Moby Dick in a row boat and take tartar sauce.” This is all about attitude. As you have heard me say many times (as well as others), “No one gives you an attitude. You can’t blame your current state of mind or attitude on anyone or any circumstance. You choose your attitude whatever it is.”

It’s true, you can be positive in the most negative circumstances of life. It’s what you choose to see and believe.

Now, now! Some of you are saying, “Where’s the Word? Where’s the Word, pastor?”

Well, let’s talk about our worth. What you feel about yourself and your worth is what determines your attitude about everything else in life. What is self-worth? It is the belief that your life has value and significance. The Greek word for worth is “axios” which means “of weight and worth.” In Biblical times, gold and other precious metals were placed on a balancing scale where their weight determined its worth.

I enjoy going to an auction. Not necessarily for the bargains (I’ve found my share of them, though), but just for the event. Some days stuff goes really cheap. Other days things go for amazing prices. It is all determined by the value the buyer places on the merchandise. It’s really true with anything in life. A car, a house, land, etc. We can appraise them all, but the truth is they are all worth what someone is willing pay for them.

“How is my worth, your worth determined? At an auction, what determines the worth of an item? Its worth is determined by the highest price paid. The auctioneer sells each item to the highest bidder. The highest price paid for your life was paid by Jesus, and the One willing to pay the highest price established your worth. Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price for you—willingly dying on the cross—paying the penalty for your sins. He loved you that much!

“Your true worth is not based on anything you have done or will do. Without a doubt, Christ already established your worth . . . you were worth dying for. (from Hope For The Heart Biblical Counseling Keys © 2005 by Hope For The Heart. All rights reserved.)

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 (NIV)

We all went for a really high price! We must be worth a lot! Pick up your head. Stand tall and straight. Walk and speak with confidence. Be positive and enthusiastic. A very high price was paid for your freedom and your life today. Act like that person that God sees when He looks at you.

Here is what He sees...”Through what Christ would do for us, God decided to make us holy in His eyes, without a single fault – we stand before Him covered with His love.” Eph. 1:4 (LB)

Prayer: Lord Jesus, forgive me for thinking negatively about life and about my life. Forgive me for demeaning what You love and value so highly. Help me by Your Holy Spirit to see what You see and think like You think. Help me change the atmosphere of my home, my office, my school... my life by changing my outlook, my attitude. Thank You for loving me so much and valuing me so highly. AMEN.

Pastor Roger

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