Monday, February 26, 2007

Seedtime and Harvest

“Don't be misled: No one makes a fool of God. What a person plants, he will harvest.” Galatians 6:7 (MSG)

There are laws in the universe that God has put into place! These are immutable laws. These laws cannot and will not change. They have not only stood the test of time, they have been in existence since the beginning of time. As surely as there is day and night and as surely as there is good and evil, there is seedtime and harvest. Always has been... always will be. It is the nature of things. God set the law in motion and it will never stop or go away.

Without seedtime and harvest there would be no procreation. There would be no crops. There would be no food. Seedtime and harvest are the most basic fundamentals of perpetuating life on planet Earth as we now know it! I am amazed at how many people are not aware of this law and it's incredible power. So, let's examine this concept and discover how it affects our lives, our families, and our business.

Here are some truths about sowing and reaping that will never change.

1. You will always harvest what you sow.

You don’t have to ask a man what he has been sowing. Just look at what his life is producing. That reveals the seed he has been planting. When you plant apple seed you get an apple tree that produce apples. When you plant corn you always get corn in return. When you plant tomatoes you always get tomatoes. You just cannot plant tomato seed and expect to get cantelopes, or apple seed and expect potatoes from them. Life has never worked that way and never will.

Most of us accept these without question. Why then can’t we realize that when we sow discord we will reap discord in our life? People who sow strife, reap strife. People who sow joy, reap joy! What you plant into other peoples lives will someday, somehow be harvested in your own life. You are what you are today because of seeds you've sown in the past. You have what you have today, because of seeds you've sown in the past. Today is the harvest of seeds planted yesterday or last week or maybe even a month or a year or longer! You reap what you sow!

What are you planting into your children? Are you planting time? What about faith? How about integrity? Do you somehow justify a "little white lie" they heard you tell (maybe they were just one year from getting the children’s menu or the kid’s rate a Six Flags). You will harvest in the form of lies from their mouths in the future. If you want champions for children then you need to be planting the seeds of greatness. Plant love! Reap love! Plant big dreams and you'll reap a President or a missionary, or a great leader!

What are you planting into your wife... or your husband? Kindness... forgiveness... gentleness? Their hearts are fields that you plant into daily. What are you reaping? The law of the harvest says that what you sow, you will reap? We should stop and think every time we open our mouth to speak to our spouse. Will this edify or build them up, or will it tear them down? You see, there are no useless, lifeless words. They either bless or curse. They either build or destroy! Some one noted that we have two ears... and one tongue. Maybe we should listen twice as much as we speak. What is your harvest in your family? Maybe it's time to examine your crops ... then examine your seeds.

2. You will always harvest more than you sow.

We don’t harvest one for one. Seeds multiply. God is not into addition, He multiplies. One apple seed produces a tree that produces hundreds of apples that each have the potential of producing a dozen or more trees that will produce hundreds of apples, and on and on the process goes. One grain of corn produces a stalk that produces many ears of corn each with hundreds of grains on them that have reproducing power.

While we do harvest MORE than we plant the rate of return is affected by the generosity with which we plant. “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” 2 Corinthians 9:6 (NIV)

So, we should expect to get back what we sow and much more than we sow.

3. The harvest always comes later, much later than you sow.

We need to learn patience. Some seed germinates and produces in weeks or months, but some takes years. The truth is that every seed produces in its time.

So, go today and make your life a seed. It really is whether you consciously make that decision or not. Every word, every deed, every action, every thought, every gift.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help to make my life today and everyday a strategic seed planted for Your glory and to bless others. Thank You in advance for the harvest. AMEN.

Pastor Roger

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